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Rings are a secondary piece of equipment that provide various set effects


Rings drop with a chance of n15 or higher. Usually drop 1 ring. If you have Appearance and farm high bern u can receive multiple rings. You can also buy them in the store for the currency 860006 png.png that is given after the first 4 games (3 pieces, and 3 for each kill of a lich (with the last talent 8)/Dog).

This set(310009 png.png+310010 png.png) of rings are unique and only work for those characters for whom the set is. The rest of the rings(310011 png.png+310012 png.png and 310013 png.png+310014 png.png ) will work on all characters.

In order for set to be activated, you need to put on both rings from one set.

The rings also have two unique attribute:

  • Left ring: The implicit modifier count as any set. - means that this ring can be used for any set. A LEFT ring with this attribute will activate the right ring's set. Let's say: you collect rings for the Girl Luck, you have the right ring you need and the left ring for another hero, but with this property - as a result, the set for the Girl Luck is activated.
  • Right ring: Increased the effect of explicit modifiers of left ring - this property works on the principle of the stone “Base Equipment attributes increase” and enhances the properties of stones on the other ring.

Rings Attributes

Left rings attributes:

  • Base Attack Power
  • Crushing chance
  • Crushing Damage
  • Additional Crushing Damage
  • Final Damage
  • Additional Final Damage
  • Damage Increase
  • Skill Damage
  • The implicit modifier count as any set. Increase Skill Damage
  • Extra All Attributes

Right rings attributes:

  • Extra Strength
  • Extra Agility
  • Extra Intellegence
  • Extra All Attributes
  • Base Strength Increase
  • Base Agility Increase
  • Base Intellegence Increase
  • Base All Attribite Increase
  • % Armor
  • % Magic Resistance
  • % Increased the effect of explicit modifiers of left ring

Chaotification & Transormation

Each rings have own Plasticity (minmum -40, maximum 100) Chaotification

  • Use Chaotic Sand to chaotify the ring by consuming the plasticity.
  • Chaotification will increase the level of two explicit modifiers by (1-2), and decrease other two by 1.
  • You can choose to accept or reject the result of Chaotification, just notice that any action will consume the Plasticity of the ring.
  • The action of Chaotification can be repeate. Ring with 0 Plasticity cannot be crafted any more.
  • The highest availible level of explicit moifier is T12, an the lowest is T1.


  • Use Transmutation San to select an explicit modifier to transmute by consuming the Plasticity of it
  • Transmutation will randomly changing the affix into another without changing the level of it. There will be no repeated affixes for the same Ring.
  • Ring with 0 Plasticity cannot be crafted any more.
  • The result of Transmutation is irreversible

Rings Sets

310009 png.png+310010 png.png 310011 png.png+310012 png.png 310013 png.png+310014 png.png
Juese 1 xinshou avatar png.png
Crystal Baby
Increased luck: +5% When luck > 150, Crit rate +15% When Luck > 150, Extra Damage 15%
Juese 2 jinzhan avatar png.png
1% extra s-strike damage per 1 lvl of s-strike skills S-strike damage: +8%

S strike chance: +3%

Strike damage: +8%
36% chance to the draw of S-strike skills
Juese 3 yuancheng avatar png.png
1% extra precision damage per 1lvl of precision skills Precision damage: +8%

Multishot damage: +7%

Bounce Damage: +2%
36% chance to the draw chance of Precision Skill
Juese 4 fashi avatar png.png
1% extra arcane damage per 1 lvl of arcane skills Arcane Damage: +8%

Burst Cooldown Speed: +5%

Burst Damage: +8%
36% chance to find arcane skills
Juese 5 jihui avatar png.png
Per 3% hit-recovery, +1% Attack Damage Base hit-recovery: +35%
Base regeneration: -5
Invest: +80
1% hp reduction per second
Juese 6 shanbi avatar png.png
+1% Attack damage per evasion, max stack 15 The max evasion rate is 70 (base on the highest max evasion modifier) The actual maximum health will not be lower than the base health
Juese 8 dubi avatar png.png
Witchie Lingling
The attributes of witchie lingling take effect when heroes les than 3 Range: +10%
Skill count: -2
Attack speed: +18%
Skill count: -1
Juese 9 shounue avatar png.png
Damage taken will recoup as life in 4 seconds +8% Defence: +24
Base health regen: +5
+0,35% Cooldown Speed and Movement Speed, by each hit you have taken in this turn, max stack 30
Juese 10 baoji avatar png.png
0.3% Critical rate per 30 gold you own, max stack 50 Per 2,5% Critical rate, +0,16% Enemy count The draw chance of Bounty Hunter increased by 30%
Juese 12 duobao avatar png.png
Taoist Duo Bao
60% chance to get an item before shop round Ancient Saron Mirror is free, Ancient Saron Mirrorwill not bring you the item below 3 level Luck: +20
Invest: -25
Juese 13 duomian avatar png.png
Zoro Kuro
+1 maximum of each Skill type zoro can use

Precision: +8% Strike: +8%

Arcane: +8%
Precision: +15%

Strike: +15%

Arcane: +15%
When you have all type of S-strike/Arcane/Precision skill
+40% increased skill damage
Juese 14 lowb avatar png.png
Dong Zhuo
Luck effect reverses the quality of shop refresh

Extra damage: +20%

luck -10
Extra damage: +24%
Luck: -10
45 increased the draw rate of the lvl 3 skill
Juese 15 shijian avatar png.png
Little Turtle
-1% Increased Skill damage per 30 gold your own, max stack 50
Increased skill damage: +50%
+2 Increased Skill damage per shop roll, end next round 7,5% Increased skill damage per player
Juese 7 jiaer avatar png.png
Random skill level up by 1 at start of shop round
Increased skill damage: +5%
Increased Skill count Available: +1
Invest: +50
Per skill level above 20 grants you +3% increased skill damage
Juese 11 shifo avatar png.png
Stone Buddha
When holding position +25% increased skill damage Cooldown speed: -6%

Base HealthRegen: +12

Movent speed ADJ: +24
Per 10% pickup range +0,3% range