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Pets are creatures which help you in BRODOTA.

General info

Each pet have following stats:

  • Resonance level - get 100 experience for the first 4 wins per day
  • Aptitude (Attack, Health, Strength, Agility, Intellegence) - base pet stat that convert to your stats, depends on resonance level
  • Resonance stats - Converted aptitude stats to your stats
  • Skills - First skill always Talent skill, other skill can be obtained throught Train or Fusion.

There are currently 8 quality of pets: common, rare, epic, legendary, ancient, archean, mythical, eternal.

How to obtain pet

Pets can be obtained from traps. Traps dropped after games, daily quests, purchased in exchange store or donate packs, obtained in events.

Trap Drops
Ancient Gold Coin Magma Berry Spirit Jade Icy Iron
Hyena Bandit Elemental Dragonling Big Beak Seabird Crystallized Giant Beast
Treasure Thief Raccoon Flame Demon Wolf Amethyst Raven Crystalized Toad
Cunning Catfish Dark Giant Scythe Hurricane Ouja Steely Stegosaurus
Voracious Vulture Flaming Beast Polaris Fox Relic Guardian

Train & Revive

Each pet have random 1-4 skills and his talent skill. Throught train more skills can be unlocked. Skills can be obtained after finishing game, shop, events. During traing, there are two possible outcomes:

  • Availible Skill slot +1 (Skill limits for each quality are respectively 8/8/10/10/12/12/12/12)
  • Replacing random existing skill

Spirit lock.pngSpirit locks can be used to prevent skills from replaced (max 4 locked skills price are 1/3/6/10).

Revive can be used to roll aptitude or skills:

  • Reborn Stone.png Reborn Stone is used to randomly roll pet aptitude and skills (1-8 unlocked random skills)
  • Revival Stone.png Revival Stone is to randomly roll pet aptitude, but skills retain untouchible


Fusing two pets with quality difference less than 1 together to gain a new one.
Normal Fusion

  • Model
    • 67% chance to keep as the primary pet.
    • 33% chance to keep as the secondary pet.
  • Quality

When the quality of material is the same:

  • 20% chance to gain +1 quality.

When the quality of material is different:

    • 49% chance to keep the pet with lower quality
    • 50% chance to keep the pet with quality +1
    • 1% chance to keep the pet with quality +2
  • Skill
    • Lower limit of skills: the sum of duplicated skills of the two pets/2-1.
    • Upper limit of skills: the sum of non-duplicated skills of the two pets.
    • The number of skills cannot exceed the upper limit of quality (maximum number of skills for each quality is 8/8/10/10/12/12 respectively).
  • Aptitude
  • randomly gain new aptitudes based on the quality of the new pet.

Quality Fusion

  • Model
    • Be bound to keep the primary pet.
  • Quality
    • If the quality of secondary pet < the quality of primary pet, 3% chance to have +1 quality of the primary pet.
    • If the quality of secondary pet = the quality of primary pet, 20% chance to have +1 quality of the primary pet.
    • If the quality of secondary pet > the quality of primary pet, 100% chance to have +1 quality of the primary pet.
    • If Quality Fusion failed, the quality of pet remains the same.
  • Skill
    • Existing skills of the primary pet are sure to remain unchanged.
    • There is a chance to gain one more skill when Quality Fusion succeeds. If the lower limit of skills for the corresponding quality failed to be met, it will be replenished (the lower limit of skills for each quality is 1/1/2/2/3/:
  • Aptitude
  • When Quality Fusion succeeds, randomly gain new Aptitude.

Blessing of Aphrodite — the goddess of love

  • Normal Fusion
    • When the primary and secondary pets share the same quality
    • If Quality Fusion fails for 8 consecutive times, the chances will raise 10% each time until it succeeds.
  • Quality Fusion
    • When the primary and secondary pets share the same quality
    • If Quality Fusion fails for 5 consecutive times, the chances will raise 10% each time until it succeeds.
    • When the quality of secondary pet < the quality of primary pet
    • If Quality Fusion fails for 25 consecutive times, the chances will raise 1% each time until it succeeds.

Fusion is irreversible, please look before you leap.


Divine is feature availible for pets Archean Quailty or higher

  • Devour & Feed - Offer Growth Points for the primary pet by adding pets for Devour/Feed. Every 1% Growth Point will increase the pet's upper limit of attribute.

Devour points depend on the quality of devoured pet: Common - 1; Rare - 6; Epic - 36; Legendary - 216; Ancient - 1296; Archean - 7776. Feed points depend on the quality of elixir: Novice - 1; Intermeiate - 10; Advanced - 500; Top - 10000. Elixir can be obtained after game end, Infernal Mine, Shop, Events.

Aptitude devour growth
Archean Mythical Eternal
Per 1% Growth Point 5 10 15
Per Star 500 1000 1500

After Pet Growth Points reach maximum, u can Evolve it and unlock Star. To unlock Star u need to feed pet with quailty = your pet qulity -2. Every 1st Star on each quality(Archean, Mythical, Eternal) unlock Divine Skill Slot. Divine Skill slot used to handle any Top Skill, which can't be change by reborn, Train or other ways.


Upgrading pet handbook will enhance character attributes similar like collectibles. Upgrading handbook requiring next materials:

  • 110001 png.png Gold coins - can be obtained after game end
  • Pet Soul - obtained every time the corresponding pet drops from traps
  • PetStarUPStone.png Illustration Star-Up Stone - can be obtained in shop (10 per day)
Upgrade Price
Star 1 2 3 4 5
Bonuses 10 15 20 25 30
Gold Coins 50000 100000 200000 350000 500000
Pet souls 10 40 100 250 500
Star-Up Stone 10 40 100 250 500

List of Pets

Creep Resistance Hyena Bandit Flame Demon Wolf Amethyst Raven Hurricane Ouja Crystallized Giant Beast
Strong Creep Suppression Voracious Vulture Flaming Beast Polaris Fox Crystalized Toad Lucky Bunny
Strong Creep Resistance Treasure Thief Raccoon Cunning Catfish Dark Giant Scythe Steely Stegosaurus
Creep Suppression Elemental Dragonling Big Beak Seabird Relic Guardian